

Transplantation Proceedings will once again publish full manuscripts in conjunction with The 17th Brazilian Transplantation Society Congress to be held October 21-23, 2021 as a virtual meeting

All manuscripts are now received through our online system, EDITORIAL MANAGER




Transplantation Proceedings welcomes persons who have accepted Abstracts for presentations to submit a full manuscript in accordance with our Guidelines for Manuscripts Associated With Meetings.

Please follow the detailed instructions below regarding the submission of your manuscript.  If you have any questions, please contact me at

Ethics - Transplantation Proceedings:  This journal strictly complies with the Helsinki Congress and the Istanbul Declaration regarding donor source.  Donors must not be from prisoners, or from those individuals who are coerced or paid. Please include a statement within the Abstract and Text regarding compliance.

Transplantation Proceedings is peer-reviewed, therefore all manuscripts will undergo extensive review, and authors will be notified of the outcome. We look forward to continued collaboration with the Society in publishing groundbreaking transplantation research. 


  • If you feel your manuscript may benefit from inclusion of Roc analysis, Multivariate analysis, “p” value, “NPV” or “PPV”, then please include this in the initial submission as this is one of the most required revisions to manuscripts. 
  • If your data supports inclusion of a detailed Table of BMI, Age, Gender, or other demographic material, etc, then please include it initially


Authors MUST upload their manuscript in WORD to Transplantation Proceedings through our online system by selecting the correct meeting name for your meeting from the pull-down menu.  When uploading your manuscript, you will be asked to select an Article Type from the pull-down menu. You must NOT select any other Article Type, AND YOU MUST ONLY SUBMIT YOUR MANUSCRIPT ONCE.

If you make a mistake, notify the Editorial Office by email to AND PLACE THE WORDS “ERROR ON SUBMISSION IN THE EMAIL SUBJECT LINE so I may properly address the problem immediately.   DO NOT upload it again until you are given permission.  Failure to comply may result in the manuscript rejection. Remember, please ONLY upload your manuscript once as failure to do so may result in rejection of your paper.  Please do not email your manuscript to the editorial office as we will ONLY receive manuscripts through our online system.

All manuscripts must be prepared in English (including fully cited References) and saved as a WORD file (not as PDF) in its final form.  References must be fully cited and must be in English. 

Abstracts and Manuscript Text (including References) MUST be double spaced using an 11 point font and sized for letter size paper with one inch margins all around, not A4. 

. DO NOT embed your Tables/Figures within the Text, rather place them AFTER the fully cited References.  

. DO NOT include “Supplemental” Tables/Figures or “Appendices”.  All Tables/Figures must be numbered sequentially and cited within the Text

. Include Legends to all Tables/Figures

All manuscripts must be accompanied by a completed Conflict of Interest and Financial Agreement Forms.  These forms are available online when submitting the manuscript.

All manuscripts must contain the following and must be uploaded in this order.  PLEASE CAREFULLY FOLLOW OUR FORMATTING INSTRUCTIONS BELOW.  Manuscripts WILL NOT BE PROCESSED if these formatting instructions are  not followed as they are REQUIRED by our publisher for copyediting purposes if accepted following review.  Please carefully read the following prior to the preparation of your manuscript:

  • 1 - Title Page – (See sample below)
  • must not contain abbreviations unless fully spelled out with the abbreviation in parenthesis
  • if an animal study, name the species
  • if a Case Report, place “Case Report” in the title. 
  • must contain all author information, including fully spelled out names of all authors (given and surname), Institution with full address, telephone number and email addresses of ALL authors
  • a clearly designated corresponding author with author’s name fully spelled out, Institution with full address, telephone number and the corresponding author’s email address 
  • any Grant support
  • the total number of Tables/Figures contained in the manuscript, and state if in color or not in color
  • 2 - Double spaced Abstract of no more than 250 words.  No References, Tables or Figures are to be in the Abstract.
  • 3 - At least 3 double spaced manuscript pages of text (including fully cited References in English) sized for “letter” (one inch margins all around), NOT A4.  Please use an 11 point font.  Manuscripts not following this format will be returned!
  • 4 - Tables, Figures (with Figure Legends).  Tables/Figures (with Figure Legends)  - must be placed AFTER the References and must not be embedded within the text.  All Figures must contain Figure Legends.  Manuscripts not following this format will be returned!
  • PLEASE NOTE:  This journal does not receive Figures or Tables as “Supplementary” or “Appendices”.  All Tables/Figures must appear sequentially numbered and cited within the text.  All Figures must have Legends.  Manuscripts containing Tables/Figures as “Supplementary” or “Appendices” will be returned!

    Elsevier has very strict requirements regarding the preparation of Tables/Figures.  Please adhere to the following as if accepted, our copyeditors can ONLY prepare the page proofs if the files are set up in this fashion:

    In other words:  Tables can ONLY be set up as WORD files.

  • 5 - Your manuscript Title page, Abstract, Text and Tables MUST be uploaded as a WORD PC file, NOT as pdf, and must be saved in its final form. Manuscripts not following this format will be returned! Note again that all Tables must be in Word and ONLY Figures can be uploaded as either Word, Excel, Powerpoint, JPG, TIF, GIF, EPS or PNG. We will not process manuscripts uploaded in any other fashion as this is required by our publisher in order to prepare the page proofs if accepted following review.  
  • 6 - The required Conflict of Interest and Financial Agreement (the checklist below is for your information only)
  • 7 - Authors are required to include “Highlights” by including 3-5 bullet points about the importance of the submitted paper:

Important note regarding page charges:

Submission of a manuscript will constitute expression of the author’s commitment to defray the cost of publication. 

  • There are no automatically assigned complimentary pages provided by Transplantation Proceedings for manuscripts associated with meetings.  Therefore, authors must assume that they are financially responsible for all page charges at US$99.95 each if accepted for publication following review.
  • In most cases, your meeting organizer will provide at least one manuscript page to you, and if so, they will notify us directly.  Your invoice will be adjusted for any complimentary pages provided. 
  • Authors are responsible for any remaining page charges at US$99.95 each.
  • Page charges are based on the Word file submitted as double spaced pages of Text sized for letter (one inch margins all around) including fully cited and double spaced References.  Tables/Figures are counted as one manuscript page each.
  • No further complimentary pages are provided for any reason.
  • Manuscript pages will be billed to you by our publisher, Elsevier, at the rate of US$99.95 per manuscript page in accordance with our Guidelines and Financial Agreement.
  • Open Access is OPTIONAL and if desired, a separate fee will be charged in addition to page charges.

Page charges are confirmed by the Editorial Office and are based on our formatting guidelines: double spaced, submitted pages in Word (not on the printed page or the pdf of your page proofs), sized for US Letter (one inch margins all around, not A4), and use of an 11 point font, including fully cited References. Tables and Figures are counted as one manuscript page each. If accepted, your invoice for manuscript pages will be sent to you by Elsevier according to their production schedule.  No payment is due at this time. 

Extra charges are applied for publication of color graphics in the printed form of the issues, however, they color reproduction of graphics are free of charge online.

If accepted, Elsevier will contact you offering OPTIONAL Open Access.  Open Access fees are separate from and in addition to page charges for the publication of your manuscript.

The proceedings of the Congress will appear in the journal, Transplantation Proceedings. 

If you have any questions on how to submit your manuscript, please contact me at

With every good wish, I beg to remain,


Barry D. Kahan, PhD, MD
Editor in Chief
Transplantation Proceedings



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